In July we will be looking at the character lesson: LOYALTY
Loyalty means to be faithful and is the willingness to make an emotional investment or personal sacrifice to strengthen a friendship or relationship.
Both friends and family require loyalty from each other, and a lack of loyalty can be one of the major causes of friendships and relationships breaking down.
Here is a guideline regarding children and loyalty based on age:
With children ages 3 and 4: they are learning the importance of having family and friends. Teach them how to have loyalty by helping others.
With children ages 5 and 6: they are beginning to build strong bonds with friends and family. Teach them how to have loyalty by standing up for friends and family members.
With children ages 7 to 9: they have a good grasp on what’s real and what’s fake. Teach them how to have loyalty by understanding the difference between ‘false’ loyalty and ‘real’ loyalty.
With children ages 10 to 14: they are mature enough to make good decisions. Teach them how to have loyalty with friends and family by solving conflicts.