We are super excited about our upcoming Health & Nutrition seminars.
These seminars are 100% free to all students & parents at Storm plus you can bring as many friends and family members as you want with you… all free !
The seminars will be run by Kara Newman.
Kara trained with the highly respected Functional Medicine Coaching Academy – the gold standard in health coach training and the only programme designed in collaboration with the Institute for Functional Medicine.
Kara is a member of both the UK Health Coaching Association & the Functional Medicine Coaching Academy and works within their scope of practice.
She will be delivering a seminar on understanding nutrition for long term physical health.
The seminars are going to be held as follows:
Tuesday 26th March: 8pm to 9pm at our Warfield Academy
Wednesday 27th March: 8pm to 9pm at our Maidenhead Academy
We are running two dates / locations to give everyone the chance to attend.
These seminars will be in place of the usual Adult Class so adult students can attend in casual clothing. No need to wear your uniform.
We look forward to welcoming Kara. If you’d like to find out more about Kara then check out her website: