Storm Family Martial Arts

Kickboxing, Tae Kwon Do, Karate, Fight SMART System, Self Defence.

Defence Against The Dark Arts

This weekend we were delighted to be invited along to a Harry Potter themed day of fun for Maidenhead Cub Scout Group. Over 50 children attended a really fun packed day with caving, water slides, BBQ, bouncy castle plus a number of other activities. Our role was to provide a Defence Against The Dark Arts

Word Of The Month: Self-Discipline

Dear Parents & Guardians, In June our ‘Word Of The Month’ is SELF-DISCIPLINE Parents and teachers both overwhelmingly agree that self-discipline is one of the most important skills anyone can have. It goes without saying that children can and will learn self-discipline if they are exposed to an environment that nurtures this very skill. This

Mental Health Month

May is mental health awareness month. Children’s kickboxing classes have been back a few weeks and Adult classes are back soon which is great. Mindset and Movement is clearly linked. The more motivated and focused the mind, the healthier and fitter the individual tends to be. Martial Arts is a great tool for the Body