In October we will be working on the character lesson: OPTIMISM.
Studies have shown that very young children adopt the optimistic and pessimistic patterns of thought that they observe. One key difference is how optimists and pessimists see failure. Optimism has many benefits for mental health, including protection from depression and anxiety. It also increases the likelihood of effective problem solving.
Here is a guideline regarding children and optimism based on age:
With children ages 3 and 4; they are learning the feeling of being important. Teach them how to have a sense of purpose in what they do.
With children ages 5 and 6; they are learning what being positive means. Teach them how to think positively.
With children ages 7 to 9; they are learning the value of friendship. Teach them how to support their friends and family by being optimistic.
With children ages 10 and up; they are learning the power of goal setting. Teach them how to have optimism about today and the future.