Storm Family Martial Arts

Kickboxing, Tae Kwon Do, Karate, Fight SMART System, Self Defence.

Mental Health Month

May is mental health awareness month. Children’s kickboxing classes have been back a few weeks and Adult classes are back soon which is great. Mindset and Movement is clearly linked. The more motivated and focused the mind, the healthier and fitter the individual tends to be. Martial Arts is a great tool for the Body

Martial Arts Academy Of The Year

Congratulations to STORM FAMILY MARTIAL ARTS for winning Martial Arts Academy Of The Year. It was a busy 2020 for Storm Family Martial Arts.   We started the year with our Chief Instructor competing at the British Open and coming away with not just a Silver Medal but also being selected for the England Team

Children’s Martial Arts

HOW TO GET CHILDREN STARTED WITH MARTIAL ARTS Martial arts are good for kids. This isn’t about exposing them to violence, in what often seems like an increasingly violent world. No, what martial arts training can do is offer children a way to develop self-discipline and self-confidence, while providing them with an excellent source of

Martial Arts: The Impact on Children’s Behaviour

When your child’s behaviour reaches a new low, you can feel at the end of your tether. You don’t know how to make sure your child’s behaviour improves sooner rather than later. After all, you need to tackle the issues now before they escalate as they get older. One way you can help your child’s

How Martial Arts Can Help With Bullying

Bullying is every parents’ nightmare. The last thing you want is your child to come home from school and say that they’ve been picked on. Bullying has far-reaching negative effects that can injure their self-esteem and cause behavioural problems in the future. Fortunately, there are some very effective ways of nipping this in the bud,

Why Your Child Should Learn Martial Arts

There are so many reasons why children should learn a martial art.  Here are just a few of them: Respect Sometimes in the modern day, children find it hard to respect authoritative figures however martial arts teaches kids to respect their instructor and each other as they learn the art. Self Discipline Martial arts will

Building Confidence In Children Through Martial Arts

If your child is known as the “shy kid”, it can be really tough going for them. Having low self-confidence can make life all the more difficult – but taking martial arts can help.   While you might think that engaging in martial arts only offers physical benefits, there are actually many ways in which