Storm Family Martial Arts

Kickboxing, Tae Kwon Do, Karate, Fight SMART System, Self Defence.

Word Of The Month – Sharing

Dear Parents and Guardians,

In November your child will be working on the character lesson: SHARING.

This is an important concept that children must learn. For many children it is difficult for them to see the other end of sharing: the benefits that others gain from one’s act of sharing.

In this month’s character lesson, we are going to break down the many reasons why it is important to share, and how people on both sides of the deal benefit from it.

You can help by reinforcing sharing at home. Support your child in their effort to share. Below are some tips on how to compliment the lessons we teach about sharing this month:

  • Model sharing and giving. Your kindness and willingness to share encourages children to do the same.

  • Recognise your children’s spontaneous gestures of sharing. They will see that sharing is linked to your approval.

  • Help your child see the many different ways to share. Start a conversation at dinnertime on how they can share their possessions, feelings, time, etc.

The homework for our junior students this month will be to share one of their toys with a sibling or friend.

Thank you for allowing us to be a positive influence on your children and we look forward to watching our youthful students demonstrate their sharing skills in class.

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