Storm Family Martial Arts

Kickboxing, Tae Kwon Do, Karate, Fight SMART System, Self Defence.

Storm Family Martial Arts – National Grading Weekend

Congratulations to all Storm students who took part in the national grading event last weekend.

We saw over 200 students demonstrate their skill, technique and determination during tough grading sessions.

After two action packed days of back to back gradings, the instructors were really impressed… and just a little bit exhausted 🙂

Storm founder & Chief Instructor Digger Barnes stated after the event;

“It was a real privilege to witness the children and adults complete their grading.  All our students showed such determination.  Not just during the grading but also over the last 18 months as they were forced to train via Zoom.   The time spent training via Zoom has actually proved quite beneficial as we were so limited by what we could teach online, we were forced to work on the basics again and again.  Now you can see that hard work paying off and it is wonderful to see the padwork, self-defence and sparring at such a high level.   I’m so proud of what we’ve all achieved at Storm as students, parents and coaches.  It’s a real family.   All the recent awards and recognition from the martial arts industry have been nice but there is no better feeling as an instructor than awarding a student their new belt in recognition of all their hard work.”

Once again… a huge WELL DONE to everyone who took part the event.

Students – you were amazing !

Parents – you give up so much of your time to support your kids training.  We wish sometimes we could give you all a black belt in parenting !!!

Coaches – thank you for giving up so much of your weekend to help with the weekend long grading event





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