Storm Family Martial Arts

Kickboxing, Tae Kwon Do, Karate, Fight SMART System, Self Defence.

Student Creed

Hi everyone,


Welcome back to classes after the Christmas break. I hope you can already see we are taking Storm to the next level in 2020 with loads of activities and new resources for you.

You should have already received our booklet ‘7 Steps To Healthy Eating’ and next month we’ll kick off our Storm Lifeskills & Leadership Diploma. The course book is with a graphic designer right now to make my dull Word document come to life, then it’s off to the printers. This diploma is completely FREE to all students and entirely optional. But I think you’ll love it. We’ve got loads more planned too with First Aid course, seminars, etc

But, the main reason I’m writing to you today is because we’ve launched our new Student Creed for our junior students. As part of our Developing Champions For Life programme we want to build a common aspiration amongst the junior students. So, in addition to the ‘word of the month’ the Student Creed allows us to do just that.

Here is the creed. We will be breaking down the creed and explaining it in class so the junior students can understand it but we’d be very grateful if parents could find the time to discuss it with their children.

At the START of the class the junior students will say:

I will develop myself in a positive manner and avoid anything that reduces my mental growth or my physical health.

I will develop self-discipline in order to bring out the best in myself and others. 

At the END of the class the junior students will say:

I will only use my physical skills for defence and I will never be abusive or offensive. 

I will live my life with honesty and integrity.

We tried it a few different ways this week and splitting it in half works best 🙂

So, thank you all for choosing to train with Storm. We are 100% committed to supporting you in helping your children grow into the best versions of themselves and to go onto be great role models in the community.

Best wishes


Chief Instructor

Storm Family Martial Arts

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